
Everything in this picture represents a part of my life. My favorite is the candles. When I was a kid I'd go to El Salvador and visit my grandparents. At the time they didn't have electricity and my grandpa would light a candle and take me outside t…

My life started with a typo.
That second A in SanAy,
it should be a D.

Yep, Sandy is what my parents wanted to name me but Sanay is what the universe gave them. I'm an avid pen hoarder and art director in NYC. I also love Christmas and music with a groove (so pretty much any Stevie Wonder song).

*Se habla Español*


Edelman VP, Creative Director
April 22’ - Present

June ‘21 - April ‘22

March ‘19 - June ‘21

May ‘16 - March ‘19


The Creative Circus April ‘16
Art Direction

The University of Georgia May ‘13
Advertising & Psychology

E-mail: sanayjlemus@gmail.com